Mari Newman and Andy McNulty have a long and proven record of winning whistleblower cases.

  • Jane Doe

    Mari Newman, Andy McNulty, and co-counsel obtained a $1,300,000 settlement for a healthcare provider who was fired after blowing the whistle on her employer's scheme to commit Medicare and Medicaid fraud, and her complaints about their violation of a number of patient safety regulations.

  • John Roe

    Mari Newman negotiated a settlement of $400,000 on behalf of her client who was fired for blowing the whistle regarding fraudulent loans.

  • Brittany Iriart

    Andy McNulty obtained a $175,000 settlement from the City and County of Denver on behalf of a woman who was fired for blowing the whistle on misconduct within the Sheriff’s Department’s Internal Affairs division about a widespread scheme to cover-up uses of excessive force against inmates.

  • Jane Roe

    Andy McNulty and Mari Newman obtained a $175,000 settlement for a healthcare provider who blew the whistle after witnessing significant patient safety violations at a long-term acute care hospital.

Let us fight for you.