Mari Newman and Andy McNulty have a long and proven record of winning equal rights cases.

Marriage Equality

It is hard to believe that, until recently, laws in Colorado and across the nation prohibited same-sex couples from legal marriage. By suing the state on behalf of six diverse same-sex couples in the case captioned Kate Burns, et al. v. Hickenooper, et al., Mari Newman led the legal team in federal court that helped establish marriage equality for LGBTQ families in Colorado. After this decision and others across the country, the United States Supreme Court allowed marriage equality to become the law of the land.


Free The Nipple - Fort Collins

Andy McNulty, working with co-counsel, won a groundbreaking decision from the Tenth Circuit court of appeals that struck down a law in Fort Collins, Colorado that banned female, but not male, toplessness in public. Andy McNulty brought the case to ensure that no law that says “women are prohibited from” would remain on the books. The first-in-the-nation decision set precedent not only for Colorado, but the surrounding states. It was a bold statement that women are to be treated equal under the law.

Let us fight for you.