We have a long and proven record of winning police brutality cases.
Aaron Pennington
Mari Newman and her team obtained a settlement of $575,000 for a man who was subjected to an excessively forceful arrest by University of Colorado police officers. In addition, the University was required to provide additional officer training regarding what constitutes cause for arrest and limitations on the use of force.
Troy Silva
Mari Newman and her team secured a settlement of $550,000 on behalf of a man who was subjected to excessive force during an arrest by Adams County Sheriff’s deputies. Adams County was also forced to provide its officers with additional annual training regarding their legal obligations on topics including searches and seizures, home entries, the use of K9s, and de-escalation/use of force, in addition to other non-monetary consideration.
Shataeah Kelly
Incident to an arrest, Aurora police hog-tied Shataeah Kelly and placed her in the back of a patrol car. Unable to use her arms or legs for balance, Ms. Kelly slid off the seat, landing head down on the floor, wedged under the driver’s seat. Despite her pleas that she could not breathe, the officer refused to stop the car and continued to drive for approximately twenty minutes to the station. Mari Newman and her team secured a $250,000 settlement.
Gerald Schlenker
Mari Newman and co-counsel obtained a $330,000 settlement for Gerald, who was arrested while at home in bed, taken to a hospital, and involuntarily medicated.